Considerations when Hanging a Hammock

August 02, 2009 2 min read


The old adage ‘measure twice and cut once’ is very appropriate for when you wish to set up a hammock. Especially when drilling into a solid service is involved because you don’t want to find out the mounts are in the incorrect spot. This article hi-lights the key steps to follow once your hammock is ready to be hung.

  1. A space of approximately 4m is recommended between where the two ends will be mounted
  2. First, unwrap (for Resort Hammock unroll) and stretch out your hammock. Ensure there are no twists/turns with respect to each end otherwise, the hammocks won’t have the correct shape when laid in.
  3. Only hold the loops of the hammock to prevent tangling.
  4. Tie each end using the given knots so that each end is approximately 180cm (6 feet) from the ground. This should allow the hammock to hang down to a level between your knees and your hips.
  5. The correct height for the centre of the hammock can be found by sitting in it with feet flat on the ground and with knees slightly bent
  6. You should always use rope, chain, or strong cords when tying your hammock as this reduces wear on the eye of the hammock. Don’t use the eye directly on a hook. It is much better to use a rope tie as the rope can easily be replaced if it becomes worn. In addition to this, the hammocks will have a better shape by using the rope at each end and make it easier to make any necessary adjustments.
  7. a) For solid wood walls or plasterboard walls with vertical wooden supports, you can use ‘screw eye’ hooks or bolts screwed directly into studs or joists, giving you a solid fixing point to attach your rope and hammock.b) For concrete walls, you can drill a heavy-duty hook, or use a Dyna Bolt.  Hardware stores have a variety of these. You may wish to speak with your local hardware store guru as to what will suit you best.
  8. When tying your hammock make sure you use the correct knot as you don’t the knot to slip or even worse come undone. This could result in serious injury. The diagram below shows how to tie a proper mast knot.
  9. Check on a regular ongoing basis that each of the fixtures remains strong and that the knots in the rope haven’t moved, loosen or show signs of wear. If so look to replace your hanging ropes.
If you are wanting to set up hammock posts in your yard, this is a great series of pictures to show you how you can set up the perfect space for 3 hammocks with just 3 posts within your outdoor living area;

Should you have any questions, or require any specific advice for your hammock hanging setting please feel free to contact us anytime via the comment section below or via email. From the team at

Guy Halpin
Guy Halpin

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