Resort Style Hammock Relaxation

July 21, 2017 2 min read

Unfortunately, it is not every day we can relax like a famous celebrity or Instagram influencer and enjoy ourselves at a holiday resort. Room service, beaches, lazing away the hours in a hammock with a cold drink and a good book.

If you are lucky enough to be planning such a trip have a quick look if the location you are going to doesn't already have hammocks you might want to take your own hammock on holiday.

If not, then why not set up your own little piece of paradise at home. Not so hard to do with a little thought and planning. Find that perfect little spot in the garden or on your section, perhaps where your favourite tree is, or a nice sunny or shady spot (depending on your preference). Clear it out a bit if necessary, remove any scrub, cut the grass and give the tree branches a bit of a trim back. Experiment with adding some features to get the feel you are after, whether it is garden statues, wind chimes, a birdbath or anything else you like.

Then to best enjoy the space you have created you want something nice and relaxing to put in this area. Something to give you a good excuse to enjoy the area! If you are after that resort type feeling our Mexican Resort Style Hammocks are the perfect fit! They provide a lovely feature to any garden or outdoor setting and are sure to set the scene of 'relaxation'.

With vanished wooden spreader bars at each end, and beautifully decorative design due to the hand-woven skill of our Mexican Mayan weavers. With unique colour combinations or natural white it provides a simple, yet fully functional garden feature. Tied between your favourite trees in a shady spot in the garden and away from all the cares and worries of the world. Set yourself up for the day with a good book and jug of cold drink.

If you don’t have the perfect natural fixing point setup consider a hammock stand, we have both wooden and metal stand options available that look great in a range of settings, or setting posts into the ground. Two posts will allow you to hang two hammocks, but add a third creating a triangle and you can hang three hammocks - for friends and family.

Before you know it you’ll forget where you are as you just relax in the moment. At home or on holiday there are many great reasons to enjoy a hammock and the simple pleasure of some quality hammock time is never to be underestimated.

All our Mexican hammocks come with complete instructions on hanging, use and care of your hammock. Including knot tying images so once you have your perfect spot and your hammock, you’ll be ready to go!

Mike Rennie
Mike Rennie

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